Posts Tagged ‘xbox’


PS3: Xbox 360, I am your father

December 31, 2008

Xbox 360: NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!111

PS3: Search your Processor, you know it to be true.

The creators of the PS3’s Cell technology have actually written a book covering the development process of the Cell, along with the development of the Wii’s Broadway CPU, and the 360’s Xenon cores. The Cell processor started development as early as 2001, and Sony forsaw a launch of the PS3 as early as December 2005. As it turns out, when Microsoft approached IBM in 2003 to make a processor for their “NextBox.” What we never knew is that IBM actually modeled the Xenon off of the Cell Processor. In other words, the Xenon is nothing more than the weaker offspring of the Cell. This may not sound like much to you, but you should have seen the fanboy flamewars at the time regarding this.

Of course, we all know what happened after that. The PS3 got delayed, and the 360 ended up taking the 2005 launch. Little did we know of the 360’s Ticking Time Bomb however. After the Giant Enemy Crab fiasco, the bad news would not stop for Sony, things only got worse from there once the Wii got sold out.

Back in 2005 though, people fanboys would debate for hours on which processor was better. “The Cell is nothing more than a networking processor; the Xenon is for true gaming.” What a very hypocritical statement now, seeing as the Xenon was based off of the Cell.

And Microsoft had gone as far as paying people to edit Wikipedia articles with a bias towards the 360 and Xenon.

And we all thought Sony copying Nintendo’s motion controller was bad, remember?

That’s nothing compared to Microsoft’s history of forgery. If it wasn’t for their thievery, Microsoft wouldn’t even have Windows. And now, they’ve completely casualized their system. Avatars? More like Miis amirite?

I probably sound like a butthurt PS3 fanboy now, with so much bashing on Microsoft. I don’t even own a PS3. I own a 360 and a Wii. And let me tell you Sony and Nintendo are no different. But that’s another story for another day.

PS: TF2 online rocks.



When McDonalds and garbage are your only options, what do you choose?

December 4, 2008

To make a “hardcore” game, clearly these days all you need to do rehash an old FPS engine, like say, the Unreal Tournament engine. Next, you rehash the story, like alien bugs invading Earth. Nobody’s thought of that one before. Now, add online and with some pretty bloom lighting and there you have the majority of today’s hardcore FPS games.

Unfortunately most of today’s “casual” games are just as bad.

And other then those two categories, we have shovelware… yeah.

So I’m really at a loss here. There are still some gems, but honestly every generation gets worse and worse. I thought Nintendo’s Wii would finally revive it and show developers that a great game takes time, dedication, and originality; not bloom lighting, an FPS genre, and online multiplayer. Well, unfortunately, when the green started flowing into Nintendo HQ, somewhere along the lines they forgot their original fanbase.

I’ve honestly considered lowering my standards these days due to the lack-luster performance of most games. World of Goo, Braid, LittleBigPlanet, and some others have been some truly great, original, and innovative additions to our collection. But every generation I see less and less of these gems. And even less actually become a franchise because nobody will give them chance.

What is wrong with gamers these days?

When Banjo Kazooie came out on Xbox Live Arcade, even with the enhanced graphics, people still said “Games looked that ugly back then?” Have they forgotten their history? Their roots? Has Microsoft’s blatant Nintendo-bashings [see: the very end of BK Nuts&Bolts trailer and Microsoft’s statements regarding the Mii clones of NXE] turned everybody with a 360 or PS3 into a “HATE WII LOVE FPS; UH HOW I SHOOT? WHERE X BUTTON? WHAT IS STRATEGY YOU SPEAK OF??” stereotype that we vowed so hard not to become?

And has Nintendo’s lack of any real games since Brawl (Mario Kart was practically a remake) turned everybody with a Wii into a “I guess bad games can be good!” type of person who has spent so long begging under the table with no food that they have moved to the garbage can.

So either we are starving mutts or cavemen.

What do we do now? How can we change the course of a fledgling industry?

We as Nintendo fans know this is true. If you as a Nintendo fan or fanboy don’t, you are in denial. But the rest of the gamers have been too caught up in crap to know. When they finally start losing interest in FPS games they will start begging for something new, and it won’t be there. Then they will learn of what we know. Notice how all the hate Halo 3 got? And now Gears 2? It’s already starting. The people who have been hating on it are huge 360 fans! (Maybe not fanboys though). They hated on it because it was very repetitive, and after 15 years of the same games, it’s understandable why.

So as you can see it’s starting. The industry was briefly revived when Nintendo showed the Wii’s games for the first time. But now, they have abandoned the industry. And Microsoft is just a giant bag of hot air now, and Sony is just reconciling what they once had.

If only hardcore gamers weren’t so blinded by this blatant sight of shit in front of them! Abre los ojos